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Faculty of Management

Faculty of Management at Vancouver Island University offers Masters, Bachelors, Diploma and Certificate Programs in Business, Hospitality and Recreation and Tourism. Our programs provide an enriched learning experience and prepare graduates to be leaders in a world where demands are constantly changing and expectations rising. Our programs appeal to recent graduates and those individuals who require higher education for career advancement or specialized training to broaden their educational background.

The Faculty of Management designs and delivers its programs in a fashion that reflects its fundamental values: teaching excellence, small class sizes, an applied focus, faculty-student interaction, an international outlook, and a drive for educational and employment success. Our students and faculty come from all around the world and different walks of life. Our learning environment is an amalgamation of many different cultures which inspires our students and prepares them to excel in a globalized environment. The Faculty of Management at VIU is going from strength to strength, thriving in a context of unprecedented growth: of student and faculty numbers, and of new programs and courses.